Toyota and KidWind Join Forces to Promote Renewable Energy Education in West Virginia

Drone shot of a row of wind turbines set against a sunset,Drone shot of a row of wind turbines set against a sunset

Perched between the scenic landscapes of Grant and Mineral counties in West Virginia, 23 wind turbines gracefully rise high above the ground, producing 115 megawatts (MW) of clean, renewable electricity. This striking endeavor is the Black Rock Wind Farm, Clearway Energy’s third wind farm in the state, and Toyota Motor North America, Inc. (TMNA) contracts with Clearway to purchase 38.5 MW of this electricity. 


Black Rock is one of several renewable energy contracts that TMNA has signed in North America and, along with several onsite solar arrays that generate renewable electricity, form a major part of Toyota’s global aspiration to become carbon neutral at manufacturing facilities by 2035. 


TMNA’s support for renewable energy goes beyond purchasing and generating wind and solar power. The company also supports education that is vital to building the clean energy workforce of tomorrow. In 2023 and 2024, TMNA provided $50,000 grants to KidWind, an international leader in clean energy education, to help forge relationships between educators and students and increase access to renewable energy education in West Virginia. 

Empowering Educators through Practical Training Sessions
Educators at Petersburg High School working with students on theirwind-powered cars,Educators at Petersburg High School working with students on theirwind-powered cars

In 2023, the grant supported immersive training sessions at Petersburg High School. Led by KidWind, over 60 educators explored the world of wind energy, uncovering the role it can play in West Virginia. Through interactive activities such as building wind-powered cars and weightlifting windmills, participants uncovered valuable insights into the practical implementation of renewable energy technologies within the state.

Continuing to enhance the educational landscape, the grant also supported a full-day training workshop held at Eastern West Virginia Community College. A group of 12 educators spent the day exploring the intricacies of weightlifting and electrical generating wind turbines, learning about the physics and engineering principles that drive these large power-generating devices.

The community college has a wind tech training program. KidWind and the college are collaborating to increase matriculation in this program, nurturing a skilled workforce ready to lead the charge in West Virginia’s renewable energy sector.

Week-long Clean Energy Training Program
Students stand in front of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbinestour at REcharge Academy in Paulsboro, New Jersey,Students stand in front of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbinestour at REcharge Academy in Paulsboro, New Jersey

Finally, the grant program provided several scholarships to the REcharge Academy, KidWind’s flagship educator training program focused on clean energy. The intensive training blends expert lectures and energy facility tours with replicable hands-on K-12 lessons, equipping educators with content as well as context.

During the 2023 REcharge Academy, held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, 68 educators from across the country learned about the impacts and challenges of building offshore wind farms and why they are critical to the clean energy transition. Participants also had the opportunity to construct a variety of different classroom wind turbines and explore basic turbine functionality.

After Attending Recharge, One Educator Is Bringing Wind Energy Into Her Classroom
Students at Petersburg High School create electricity as they learn about wind power and renewable energy.,Students at Petersburg High School create electricity as they learn about wind power and renewable energy.

Once educators participate in a REcharge Academy, they become pivotal REcharge Instructors, instrumental in inspiring and creating future renewal energy advocates worldwide, starting with their students.

Linda Carlson, a teacher from Petersburg, West Virgina, transitioned into the role of a REcharge Instructor after attending KidWind’s REcharge Academy in the Summer of 2023, courtesy of a scholarship funded by TMNA’s grant. 

“My favorite moment at the REcharge Academy was when we made our own generators,” Linda recalled. “I created electricity, and it was amazing to see how it works. And I got to take the wind turbine I built home with me.”

Linda, leveraging her role as a high school physical sciences teacher, seamlessly integrates the wind turbine into all her classes, enlightening students about electricity and sustainable energy. 

“The students really appreciate the ability to ‘feel and touch’ the concept of renewable energy,” said Linda. “We have so many wind turbines in the mountains near Petersburg, and I think it’s important for all of us to understand how they work.”

The tangible experience of interacting with the wind turbine has been a hit with her students, allowing them to grasp the concept of renewable energy more effectively. Linda’s initiative has sparked interest not only within her classroom but also beyond, as fellow teachers request to borrow the turbine for their lessons, and students express eagerness to incorporate it into their science fair projects.

Linda’s passion for learning did not stop at wind energy; she expanded her knowledge by attending KidWind’s Saturday sessions on solar and hydropower. Encouraged by her experience, she eagerly awaits this summer’s REcharge Academy to delve deeper into solar energy, showcasing her commitment to enhancing renewable energy education in her classroom and community.